Skipping School ~ Mike Wheeler x Any Reader - PixieBoy420 (2025)

Starting highschool was tough, starting it after a summer of craziness and monsters was even tougher. Finally, having a crush on your best friend who had always been dating someone was the toughest.

Yes I am in love with Mike Wheeler my best friend since diapers. We had been through everything together, told each other everything. When he got his crush on eleven I was the first he told. It broke my heart since I already liked him. But I told him to go for it because he's my best friend and his happiness matters more. Though from what I heard, Mike and eleven broke up after she moved away, he sent her a note breaking up with her. Or maybe she sent him one, I hadn't asked yet. I wanted him to come to me about it.

So here I was, biking to my first day of High school to meet with My friends.

When I arrived I saw Dustin and Lucas at the bike rack. I hopped off the bike and smiled at my friends.

"Hey [Y/N]" dustin greeted.

"Hey, where's mike?" I asked.

"No clue." Dustin shrugged.

"Probably crying over El." Lucas sighed.

"So who broke up with who?" I asked.

"Not sure, i think she left him. I mean why would he leave her he was in love." Lucas shrugged. I felt my heart crack again remembering he loved her.

"Maybe he's skipping" I thought out loud.

"Not our business," Lucas added.

"He's our best friend of course it is" I argued.

"Then go check on him." Lucas told me and I decided I would. Who cared about the first day of school, my friend needed me.

"Fine I will" I said before I got back on my bike and left the two at school.

Mike didn't live far, and when I got to his house the cars were gone meaning no one would be home if he even was there. So I left my bike in the grass and went to the door. After knocking I waited for awhile then I rang the doorbell. Soon the door opened to see the familiar dark haired boy.

"Oh hey [Y/N] what are you doing here?" He asked.

"What are YOU doing here? We have school" I reminded.

"I know.. I'm kind of skipping. My mom doesn't know. I actually was planning to uh go to the park to get away and not see her when she gets home." He informed me. "Want to come with?" He asked. I was surprised but I nodded. "Great let me change," his face lit up.

I waited outside at my bike until he returned in shirts, a Flannel and a tank top. He grabbed his bike and looked over at me. God he was so cute.

"Ready to go?" He asked

"Yeah lead the way" I told him.

The bike ride was short and quiet as we made it to the park near his house. It was small and only had two swings but it was cute and where we spent many late nights over the years. We parked the bikes and went to the two swings to sit. Finally I broke the silence.

"So why are we skipping?" I asked.

"Well you chose to come with" he avoided the question.

"Yeah duh. Why did you skip?" I pried more.

"Wanted to think" he shrugged.



"Want to talk about what happened?" I asked.

"I guess.. I mean…" he sighed. "I broke up with El."

"You did?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah.. I mean she's great and cool but she lives far away now. And.. I just.. I can't keep my head straight. I don't think I love her" he opened up.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Well.. see… I think I've always liked someone else. Even when I didn't know and was with El. This someone else was always there." He told me. I felt my heart drop again knowing he still liked someone. I looked to the ground trying to hide my pain.

"Well I bet they'll like you back you're awesome." I told him.

"I hope so…,because they're right in front of me" he smiled a bit.

"What," I asked

"I like you [Y/N] I left el because I can't stop thinking of you." He finally admitted. It was silent as I stared at him. "It's okay if you don't like me." He finally added.

"No no! I do. I mean… I always have." I told him with a wide smile.

"So.. you'll be with me?" He asked standing up.

"Yes!" I exclaimed getting up and wrapping my arms around his neck to hug him. We embraced for a moment before pulling back and our eyes met.

"May i kiss you?" He asked and I nodded. Finally the kiss I waited years to receive, happened.

Skipping School ~ Mike Wheeler x Any Reader - PixieBoy420 (2025)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5235

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.